
A decade ago in this journal, Worthley (1984) argued public administration in People's Republic of China was becoming ripe for comparative analysis. Since then, China has experienced extraordinary economic growth and has initiated major administrative reform efforts in government. Studies of development of Chinese public administration over these years, though few, have been impressive, particularly in view of lack of scholarly attention in previous decades. (See, for example, Laaksonen, 1988; Cabestan, 1192; Tsao, 1993 and Mills and Nagel, 1993.) There has, however, been meager empirical and comparative analysis. This article, based on authors, empirical research over a ten-year period, describes and analyzes development of modern Chinese public administration into 1990s. Our focus is effort in China reform administrative structure during a period of political and economic change, with particular emphasis on civil service system. The analysis is designed contribute on-going process of understanding administrative development across cultures. As will become apparent, we found continuing similarities with historical development of public administration in United States. Civil Service Reform On October 1, 1993, Chinese government marked a milestone in history of its administrative state. On day, it officially adopted Regulations on State Functionaries equivalent of established civil service system of United States a century before. For purposes of comparative analysis, it is important understand process produced this milestone as well as actual substance of reform. Prior this new act, Chinese civil servants were recruited through political channels rather than by open, competitive examination. There was little or no differentiation of personnel among many public service areas. They were all simply called cadre with political party solely responsible for managing them. There were only vague procedures for recruitment, promotion, appraisal, and like (Li, 1990; 164; Manion; 1985, 210), with result administrative proficiency was wanting. As economic reforms of 1970s and 1980s took hold and nation modernized, this became an obstacle continued constructive development. The government's ability manage economic growth was dubious and administrative corruption was growing. In response, 1993 act was conceived provide substantive advancement of routines, rationality, and professionalism in Chinese civil service. Indeed, a comparison with content of Pendleton Act reveals remarkable similarities. Chapter 1 articulates intent of new law: (T)o facilitate scientific management of state functionaries, ensure honesty and enhance administrative efficiency, {article 1}; to purpose of hiring people with both political integrity and ability arid principle of openness, equality, competition and selecting best {article 2}; and that state functionaries perform their duties according and be protected by law {article 4}. Chapter 2 describes duties of civil servants as adherence law, responsiveness masses, impartiality and honesty, deference authority and devotion work {article 6}. Chapter 3 delineates job categories, distinguishing between leadership and nonleadership positions. Fifteen grades are specified {article 10}. Chapter 4 sets forth recruitment procedures including public examinations and Interviews for career, nonleadership positions {article 16}, and preferential treatment for minority applicants article 13. Chapter 5 details appraisal procedures emphasize concrete results of work, article 20. A whole section, chapter 6, is devoted performance rewards stressing the principle of combining spiritual and material encouragement {article 27}. …

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