
Child care in kindergarten institutions in the light of the Islamic vision If the embryo stage is in essence the stage of the biological formation of the human being, then the stage of undistinguished childhood is essentially the stage of his psychological formation, which is of course an extension of the previous stage, but - and this is the most important - the basis for the following stages and stages, and therefore any educational failure in This stage constitutes an educational obstacle to proper growth in the following stages. Hence, the issue of the study was an attempt to reveal the Islamic educational trends, ideas and principles that contribute to building the personality of the undistinguished child in kindergarten institutions, and transferring them from the declarative knowledge format to the procedural knowledge format. In this context, the study sought to clarify the contributions of Islamic education in caring for the undistinguished child, and to root the work of kindergarten institutions in the light of the foundations of Islamic educational theory, and to identify the demands of growth at this stage in all its dimensions, while highlighting the efforts and contributions of Muslim jurists and scholars in educational thought. The researcher will take the descriptive approach: to answer the analytical aspect of the study, and the deductive approach to elicit the most important texts that define the Islamic vision in caring for the undistinguished child. The study concluded that the Islamic educational vision was more realistic than many modern educational visions, and that the theory of eligibility and statehood that emerged from it took into account integration, and the pre-discrimination stage was considered a stage of total dependence on others in its beginning to almost total dependence on the self in Its end, as it considered tenderness and play its most important demands, and the abundance of movement and speech as its most important features. The study concluded with the importance of formulating educational and legal laws regulating kindergarten institutions that draw from the Islamic vision and take into account the contemporary educational and legal reality.

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