
Dear Readers,We are glad that the ThirdIssue of the International Journal of Law in Changing World is published. Authors from different partsof the world presentedtheir papers on current problems of law in Brazil, Cameroon, Italy, and Russia. Our authors gave the Journal the honor to publish papers devoted to different aspects of law and regulations that the modern world faces. This Issue presents the paper “Duration and Extinction of Administrative Contracts in the New Brazilian Bidding Law”. In it, professorsRafael Carvalho Rezende Oliveira and ThiagoGomes do Carmo address the causes and consequences of the termination of administrative contracts due to the recent enactment of New Law on Bids and Administrative Contracts.Next paper is entitled “Tools to Stimulate Blockchain: Regulatory Sandboxes, Special Economic Zones and Public Private Partnerships", where professors Elizaveta Alexandrovna Gromova and Daniel Brantes Ferreira presents a review of the most efficient tools to stimulate the Blockchain. The results of the research made by Natalia Igorevna Shumakovaand Elena Viktorovna Titova represented in the paper“Freedom of religion and conscience in China and Russia: in Search of New Commons” discuss the possibility of creating a new convention by China and Russia for protecting the fundamental human right to freedom of religion and conscience on a new international level, independent from the West.The paper “Impact of Digital Technologies on Criminal Procedure in Russia and India: Comparative Legal Aspect” written byElizaveta Igorevna Popova demonstrates us the impact of thedigital technologies on criminal procedure in Russia and India.Professor Enow Godwill Baiye and Fongwa Kesten Ngum are talking about the role of international law for regulation of relations arising fromGoverningtheSeabedin the paper “The Role of The International Seabed: International law”.The paper “Liability for Trademark Infringement on E-Commerce Marketplaces” written by Anna Vladimirovna Pokrovskaya, aimed to define optimal approaches to the liability regime for the violation of the intellectual property rights in the spheres of digital platforms and marketplaces. nd last but not least is the paper “Assessing Performance in Forensic Hair Examination: A Review”. Eugenio D'Orio, Giuseppe Calabrese, Chiara Lucanto, and Paola Montagna aimed this research to cross-compare multiple knowledge from different research papers on forensic hair examination in order to assess the evolution of the study and technology in this field and for assess new perspective of research and forensic applications.We truly hope you will find this Issue valuable and informative because that is the mission of the Journal –to find solutions to crucial legal issues that arise from the forever-changing world. We want to thank our authors, reviewers and editorial team members for their excellent job, support, and efforts to make this Issue happen. We hope the Journal can inspire academics and researchers to keep expanding their horizons and reducing the research distance between countries. Sincerely yours Editors-in-Chief Elizaveta Gromova and Daniel Brantes Ferreira

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