
The syntheses and characterisation of a series of non-oxomolybdenum(IV) and mononuclear oxomolybdenum(V) complexes are described with 2-aminocyclopent-1 -ene-1 -carbodithioate (acda) and its N-alkyl derivatives [aacda; alkyl = ethyl (eacda), propyl (pacda) or butyl (bacda)] as the bidentate (S–S)– donor ligands. The molybdenum(IV) complexes [Mo(ox)(aacda)(acda)](ox = oxalate) are feebly paramagnetic (ca. 0.9 µB) with a spin-paired d2 ground state. They exhibit rich electrochemistry consisting of two reversible one-electron couples: MoIV–MoIII(E1/2≈–0.45 V) and MoIV–MoV(E½+0.54 V), indicating conservation of the six-co-ordinated structure in [Mo(ox)(aacda)(acda)]Z(z=–1, 0 or +1). The molybdenum(V) complexes [MoOCl(L)2](L = acda 2a, eacda 2b, pacda 2c or bacda 2d) are paramagnetic (1.56 – 1.68 µB) with one unpaired electron. Their electronic spectra in the visible region are dominated by high intensity multiple bands arising from S(π)→ Mo(dπ) charge transfers. The cyclic voltammograms of the complexes show a reversible, one-electron MoV–MoIV reduction and an irreversible MoV–MoIV oxidation. In frozen solution (80 K), 2a has an axially anisotropic ESR spectrum indicating axial co-ordination of Cl. For the remaining compounds 2b–2d the features are much more complicated due to the hyperfine interactions from the chloro ligand providing evidence for possible equatorial co-ordination of Cl.

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