
The susceptibility to a cell wall lytic L-11 enzyme from Flavobacterium sp. and the quantitative and/or qualitative composition of the cell walls of some strains of cariogenic Streptococcus mutans and a non-cariogenic strain of Streptococcus mitis were determined. The purified cell walls of S. mutans strains HS-1 (serotype a), BHT (b), NCTC10449 (c), C67-1 (c), C67-25 (c), OMZ 176 (d), MT703 (e), MT557 (f), OMZ65 (g), and AHT (g), and S. mitis CHT contained glutamic acid, alanine, and lysine as well as muramic acid and glucosamine as a peptidoglycan component. Besides these amino acids, significant amounts of threonine were detected in strains HS-1, OMZ65, and AHT cell walls, and considerable amounts of aspartic acid and/or threonine as well as several other amino acids in OMZ176, OMZ65, and CHT cell walls. Rhamnose was a common special component of the cell walls of S. mutans strains BHT, NCTC10449, MT703, B2 (e), MT557, and AHT, and S. mitis CHT. An additional sugar component, glucose, was detected in the cell walls of all of these strains except BHT, and galactose was found in BHT, AHT, and CHT cell walls. Galactosamine was present in S. mitis CHT cell walls. Varying amounts of phosphorus were detected in the cell walls of all the strains examined. The cell walls of all these streptococcal strains except MT703, 6715, and AHT were susceptible to the lytic action of the L-11 enzyme to various extents. No consistent relationship was observed between the amino acid and sugar composition of these cell walls and their susceptibility to the L-11 enzyme. The chemical composition of these cell walls is discussed in terms of the serological classification of S. mutans.

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