
Essential oils (EO) from the fresh leaves of Laurus novocanariensis (LN) from Madeira and of L. azorica (LA) from four Azorean Islands (S. Miguel-SMI, S. Maria-SMA, Pico-PIC and S. Jorge-SJO) were analyzed by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 51 components were identified, accounting for 99.5 to 99.9% of the total EO, respectively. All the Laurus' EO investigated were dominated by monoterpenes, and were significantly rich in oxygen-containing terpenes. However, the EO of LA and LN species showed a distinct chemical profile, being the first one more complex, particularly in SMA population followed by SMI population [1]. Interest in the plants' EO was renewed with emerging demonstration of their insecticidal properties. All the Laurus' EO tested showed a high ovicidal activity against Pseudaletia unipuncta eggs (> 95% of mortality). The same holds true for the pure components linalool, α-terpinyl acetate and trans-cinnamyl acetate; these are among the main components only in LA-SMA (the first two) and in LA-SJO (the last one). Also, all the Laurus' EO showed strong insecticidal effect on fourth instar larvae (> 66% of mortality), with the exception of the LA-SJO, that caused a mortality rate of 46%. LA-SMA was the most effective in killing the larvae and showed the highest toxicity at 96h after treatment (LC50 = 11.54 mg/mL) followed by LA-SMI (LC50 = 37.08 mg/mL). Among the pure components, α-terpinyl acetate was the most toxic (LC50 = 8.05 mg/mL) followed by linalool (LC50 = 25.27 mg/mL) and α-pinene (LC50 = 36.71 mg/mL), being the last one the major Laurus' EO components, except for LA-SMA. These data show that some of the Laurus' EO and/or their bioactive compounds could be used as agrochemical agent against P. unipuncta, a serious pest on the Azores's pastures. Further studies are required to determine the mode-of-action of these essential oil products, through semi-field trials.

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