<p>Plants lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) is one of the plants that have a potential as<br />a source of bioactive compounds for the antioxidant. This study aimed to determine the<br />chemical composition, bioactive compound and determine antioxidant activity of leaves,<br />bark and roots of plants lindur (B. gymnorrhiza). This research was conducted through<br />several stages proximate test, stratified extraction, phytochemical test, and antioxidant<br />activity test with DPPH. The highest yield value resulting by ethanol extract of the leaves<br />is 12,85 % and the lowest was produced by n-hexane root extract that is 0,18 %. The leaves<br />contain high levels of protein, fat, and water which is the higher of the two parts from the<br />other samples. Bark containing ash content (4,12%) and carbohydrates (46,02%). Root has<br />the highest levels of carbohydrates that is 25,91 %. Bioactive components were detected on<br />ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves are flavonoids, tannins, phenols, saponins,<br />steroids and tritepenoid. Bark extract ethanol, ethyl acetate and ethanol root bark has<br />bioactive components there are flavonoids, tannins, phenols, saponins, and tritepenoid. </p><p>Ethyl acetate extract of the roots only have bioactive components there are flavonoids,<br />phenols, saponins, and triterpenoids. The potential antioxidant activity produced from<br />ethyl acetate extracts of bark lindur with IC50 values is 14,21 ppm.<br />Keywords: Antioxidants, phytochemicals, roots, ethanol, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza</p>
Plants lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) is one of the plants that have a potential as a source of bioactive compounds for the antioxidant
This research was conducted through several stages proximate test, stratified extraction, phytochemical test, and antioxidant activity test with DPPH
The highest yield value resulting by ethanol extract of the leaves is 12,85 % and the lowest was produced by n-hexane root extract that is 0,18 %
Bahan utama yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah adalah daun, kulit batang, akar tanaman lindur (B. gymnorrhiza) dengan usia 5 tahun (remaja) yang berasal dari Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara. Daun lindur yang digunakan rata-rata memiliki panjang 17,51 cm dan lebar 5 cm dengan n= 30. Kulit batang lindur yang digunakan rata-rata memiliki diameter 3,51 cm dan akar memiliki rata-rata diameter 3,2 cm. Bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah n-heksana (p.a Merck 1043672500) 99,9 %, etil asetat (p.a Merck 1096232500) 99,9 % dan etanol (p.a Merck 1009832500) 99,9 %, Kristal 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) p.a (Sigma-Aldrich kode bahan No.D9132-1G), asam asetat glacial (Merck), kertas saring (Whatman No 42). Alat-alat yang digunakan, yaitu orbital shaker (WiseShake), rotary evaporator (Buchi Rot. R-205), spektrofotometer UVVis (Hitachi U-2800), labu erlenmeyer (Pyrex) ukuran 500 mL, tabung reaksi (Pyrex), beaker glass (Pyrex), labu evaporator nasu flask (Duran)
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