
Abstract. Sayuti M, Salampessy RBS, Asriani, Nurbani SZ, Saidin. 2022. Chemical and hedonic characteristics of smoked Katsuwonus pelamis (fufu fish) from Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 1707-1713. Fufu fish is one of the smoked fish products from eastern Indonesia, especially the North Sulawesi and Papua region, with raw materials derived from skipjack tuna or yellow-fin tuna. Samples were obtained from fish-smoking entrepreneurs in Sorong City. Proximate analysis was carried out using the association of official analytical chemist (AOAC) standard, amino acid analysis was carried out using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), fatty acid analysis was carried out using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and hedonic analysis was carried out using the SNI 2346:2015 standard with 120 panelists. The results showed that fufu fish had a water content of 64.52%, ash content of 0.82%, total fat of 1.97%, protein of 27.75%, carbohydrates of 4.37%, and crude fiber of 2.69%. The main essential amino acids of fufu fish were L-Lycine by 5.59%, L-Histidine by 3.25%, and L-Leucine by 2.61%. On the other hand, the main non-essential amino acids were L-Glutamic acid by 3.83%, L-Aspartic acid by 2.60%, and L-Arginine by 2.43%. The main fatty acids of fufu fish were C15:1 (cis-10) by 47.43%, C14:0 by 16.75%, C16:0 by 12.20%, and C18:0 by 10.97%. On the fufu fish hedonic test results, the panelists generally gave a like score. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that fufu fish had good nutritional content for the community.

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