
The cheilostome Bryozoa encrusting settlement panels deployed in the Azores between 0 and 500 m, which were retrieved after a time span of 1 and 2 years, are here described and figured. Of the 49 cheilostome species reported, 15 are new to science: Beania pauciserialis sp. nov., Caberea rylandi sp. nov., Micropora acorecia sp. nov., Cellaria acorensidolisi sp. nov., Hippothoa jakobseni sp. nov., Chorizopora lula sp. nov., Haplopoma freiwaldi sp. nov., Schizomavella (Schizomavella) reverteri sp. nov., Schizomavella (Schizomavella) kekrymmena sp. nov., Microporella avilai sp. nov., Microporella quadrispinosa sp. nov., Microporella lobopodia sp. nov., Microporella nodulifera sp. nov., Buffonellaria faialensis sp. nov., and Omalosecosa secunda sp. nov. The subspecies Glabrilaria orientalis azorensis (Harmelin, 1988) is here raised to species rank, resulting in Glabrilaria azorensis (Harmelin, 1988) comb. nov. Moreover, we designate a lectotype for Nimba praetexta Jullien in by Jullien & Calvet, 1903, type species of the genus Nimba Jullien in by Jullien & Calvet, 1903, redescribe the species based on scanning electron microscope inspection, and transfer the genus from the Lacernidae Jullien, 1888 to the Escharinidae Tilbrook, 2006. A lectotype is also designated for Schizobrachiella sanguinea (Norman, 1868). Based on the taxonomic account, we discuss changes concerning the recorded diversity of bryozoans in the Azores and their taxonomic assignment, now including 91 endemic species that account for 41% of a total of 221 bryozoan species reported from the archipelago. Finally, we discuss biogeographic relationships and the status of origin, including potential non-indigenous species, and demonstrate a strong relatedness with eastern Atlantic/Mediterranean faunas.

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