
SUMMARYObjective: To make the cheiloscopic analysisin dental students of the city of Calithrough the impression of the lip furrowsin fine cardboard paper and digital photographyof the lips.Material and Methods: Observationalstudy of descriptive type that determinedthe pattern of lip furrows through Renaud’smethod in 47 dental students (24 womenand 23 men) of the University del Vallebelonging to predominantly Caucasoid raciallymixed ethnic group. The contingencycoefficient was used to associate the patternof lip furrows between gender, superior andinferior lips, right and left quadrants, andphotographs and impressions. A p<0.05was considered statistically significant.Results: The more frequent patterns of lipfurrows for men and women were the A andthe C. There were not associations betweensex and the patterns of lip furrows in thesuperior and inferior lips, or right and leftsides. There was a high correlation betweenthe digital photography and the labial paperimpression. It was not observed sexual dimorphism,but it was observed bilateralityin the same lip.Conclusions: The Renaud’s method demonstratedto be very limited since therewere found 19 identical cheiloscopic formulas,since the description of the patternof labial prints does not consider either thenumber or distribution of furrows withinthe lip. For that reason, and given to the lowcorrelation between men and women andaccording to the findings of this study, thepattern of labial furrows can be consideredonly and unique.Key words: Forensic Sciences, forensicodontology, cheiloscopy, lip prints.

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