
Abstract: This project is about Chef Automation. Generally if you want to install particular software or a package on a single server you can install it easily. Imagine you are maintaining an organization and you have thousands of servers running in your production environment. At this point, you cannot go and install packages or software’s on all thousand servers and maintaining all these servers is also a difficult job. With our project which is chef automation, you can automate all these processes or any installations on all thousand servers in a single click. Here we can save a lot of time and manpower by deploying the code to all servers. In chef automation we have three nodes: Server, Workstation and Client. Chef automation is nothing but automating the processes on client machines. First, we will be writing cookbooks on workstation (cookbooks are the actual programs that need to be run on client machines). These cookbooks are written in ruby programming language. After developing cookbooks these are needed to be pushed on to the server node. Keywords: Chef, Cloud Shell, Compute Engine, Cookbook, Google Cloud, My SQL, Recipe, Subnet, Virtual Machine, Virtual Private Cloud.

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