
The private cloud is characterized as a figuring model that offers administrations over the Web or a private internal network just to a solitary business substance rather than a public organization. Private cloud computing incorporates numerous advantages of public cloud-like versatility, self-administration, and flexibility with extra control and customization. Also, private clouds give a more significant level of security and protection through the organization’s firewalls and internal hosting which guarantees that third-party suppliers could not get access to delicate information and tasks. This paper gives insights into private cloud configuration and also elaborates on how to create a virtual private cloud using Amazon Web Services and how to run elastic compute cloud instances on a private cloud. For the creation of a virtual private cloud, the virtual private cloud (VPC) service of Amazon is used. This virtual private cloud service enables us to configure custom virtual private cloud by setting subnets, route tables, and Internet gateways. All steps of setting subnets, route tables, and Internet gateways are explained in this paper. For demonstration purposes, two virtual machines (instances) are created using elastic compute cloud service (EC2) and deployed on the custom virtual private cloud successfully. Out of these two instances, one instance is made public and another instance as private, and on a public instance, one small Web application is deployed to get its access from anywhere on the Internet.

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