
Using Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) formalism we studied the transport properties in silicene-based normal/ferromagnetic p-wave superconductor (N/FpS) junctions. Our study shows that the amplitude of the normalized conductance strongly depends on the pairing symmetry in superconductor such as px, py and px+ipy-wave symmetries, the applied electric field (EZ) and the exchange field (h) in FpS. In N/FpxS-silicene junctions the zero-bias conductance peak is obtained due to the Andreev bound states. When the electric field and magnetic field are parallel, called P configuration, there is one conductance dip (CD) for the voltage eV=lEz−λSO with λSO the spin obit coupling term and 2l the distance between two sublattices in the buckled silicene. In the anti-parallel (AP) configuration there is one CD at eV=lEz−λSO for 0<lEz−λSO<h and for lEz−λSO≥h there are two CDs at eV=h and eV=lEz−λSO, respectively. A sudden transition of conductance from zero to maximum (henceforth referred to as“switching of conductance”) at eV=lEz−λSO occurs in both N/FpyS-silicene junction and N/Fpx+ipyS-silicene junction. In N/FpyS-silicene junction the Andreev resonant peak appears at eV=h for lEz−λSO−h=0.1Δ00 in the AP case, where Δ00 is the zero temperature gap of the FpS. In N/Fpx+ipyS-silicene junctions the maximum value of the conductance appears at eV=Δ00−h in P junction while in AP junction at eV=Δ00+h.

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