
This review deals with the properties of superconductors withcompeting electron spectrum instabilities, namely, charge-density waves (CDWs)and spin-density waves (SDWs). The underlying reasons of the electron spectruminstability may be either Fermi surface nesting or the existence of Van Hovesaddle points for lower dimensionalities. CDW superconductors include layereddichalcogenides, NbSe3, and compounds with the A15 and C15 structures amongothers. There is much evidence to show that high-Tc oxides may also belongto this group of materials. The SDW superconductors include URu2Si2 andrelated heavy-fermion compounds, Cr-Re alloys and organic superconductors. Wereview the experimental evidence for CDW and SDW instabilities in a wide rangeof different superconductors, and assess the competition between theseinstabilities of the Fermi surface and the superconducting gap. Issuesconcerningthe superconducting order parameter symmetry are also touched upon. The accentis put on establishing a universal framework for further theoreticaldiscussions and experimental investigations based on an extensive list ofavailable and up-to-date references.

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