
Abelian cellular automata (CAs) are CAs which are group endomorphisms of the full group shift when endowing the alphabet with an abelian group structure. A CA randomizes an initial probability measure if its iterated images have weak*-convergence towards the uniform Bernoulli measure (the Haar measure in this setting). We are interested in structural phenomena, i.e., randomization for a wide class of initial measures (under some mixing hypotheses). First, we prove that an abelian CA randomizes in Cesàro mean if and only if it has no soliton, i.e., a non-zero finite configuration whose time evolution remains bounded in space. This characterization generalizes previously known sufficient conditions for abelian CAs with scalar or commuting coefficients. Second, we exhibit examples of strong randomizers, i.e., abelian CAs randomizing in simple convergence; this is the first proof of this behaviour to our knowledge. We show, however, that no CA with commuting coefficients can be strongly randomizing. Finally, we show that some abelian CAs achieve partial randomization without being randomizing: the distribution of short finite words tends to the uniform distribution up to some threshold, but this convergence fails for larger words. Again this phenomenon cannot happen for abelian CAs with commuting coefficients.

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