
ABSTRACTThis research aimed to gain a deep understanding of comparative characterizations, household status, occupation or profession, and socio-cultural background of the third figure women widowed in a collection of short stories (short story), a literary review cross reference. This research seeks to understand the phenomenon of characterizations of women widowed in three short stories that are then compared between the three. Approach this research in the form of a qualitative approach and methods used are content analysis methods. The process of data analysis in this research is not based on an effort to test the hypothesis, but rather attempted to develop a theory or framework of thinking based on the theory of literary sociology, so researchers retain a major role as a tool research. Data sources the study consists of three short stories namely (1) “Namanya, Massa”, by Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, a short story from Indonesia, (2) “Tarian Hamil dan Penyair Bulan” by Johari Tarif, short stories from Malaysia, (3) and "Norhayati" by Amil Jaya, a short story from Brunei Darussalam. The topic of this research inspired the character equality is in the short story from the collection of short stories in the book Menjenguk Dunia Batin Cerpen Serumpun (MDBCM). The findings of this research in the form of naming differences, education, household status, employment, and socio-cultural background. For the differences of the characters, properties, and the habit of the third figure women widowed: Massa, Lely, and Norhayati is caused by the difference in the level of education, occupation or profession, and socio-cultural environment.Keyword: characterizations, women's widow, short stories, literary cross reference


  • Literary work serves to inventory a number of events that exist in society

  • The author creates a literary works based on the fact that occurs in the vicinity

  • The existence of social and environmental realities are in the vicinity of the author being a part in creating literary works so that the resulting literary work has a close relationship with the author's life as well as with neighboring communities

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Literary work serves to inventory a number of events that exist in society. The whole incident in literary works is the prototype Genesis ever and probably occur in everyday life. According to Teew, A. example, is not just interested in researching (1980), judging from the stories that the relationship between literature and displayed the figure of the author of women society; They even have a clear view of the in Indonesia are more daring to express the Foundation about how should that ideas of the story than in Malaysia or Brunei relationship. The qualitative approach was used moved or copied the author in a work of with different underlying reasons, among literature This theory to analyze others, that the research emphasise the role of the relationship of cultural regions, relations the natural background, which is that the data with his author literary works with a social are taken from the actual context.

Massa Characterizations
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