
We carried out scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements of the α-(BEDT-TTF) 2X (X = I 3 and IBr 2) salts and interpreted the results on the basis of the partial density ϱ( r 0, e f) and total electron density ϱ( r 0) plots calculated by the extended Hückel tight-binding method. Large scale STM images show surface modifications induced by the tip-surface interactions. The STM and AFM images show the patterns of the cation layers. The ϱ( r 0, e f) plots are essential in relating the features of the observed atomic-resolution STM images to the surface structures and show that the ethylene-group hydrogen atoms of the protruded cations dominate the STM images. The dependence of the STM images of the BEDT-TTF salts on the tunneling gap resistance is probably caused by the tip-induced conformational change of the ethylene groups of the surface cations.

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