
Terpenes represent the biggest group of natural compounds on earth. This large class of organic hydrocarbons is distributed among all cellular organisms, including fungi. The different classes of terpenes produced by fungi are mono, sesqui, di- and triterpenes, although triterpene ergosterol is the main sterol identified in cell membranes of these organisms. The availability of genomic data from members in the Ceratocystidaceae enabled the detection and characterization of the genes encoding the enzymes in the mevalonate and ergosterol biosynthetic pathways. Using a bioinformatics approach, fungal orthologs of sterol biosynthesis genes in nine different species of the Ceratocystidaceae were identified. Ergosterol and some of the intermediates in the pathway were also detected in seven species (Ceratocystis manginecans, C. adiposa, Huntiella moniliformis, Thielaviopsis punctulata, Bretziella fagacearum, Endoconidiophora polonica and Davidsoniella virescens), using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. The average ergosterol content differed among different genera of Ceratocystidaceae. We also identified all possible terpene related genes and possible biosynthetic clusters in the genomes used in this study. We found a highly conserved terpene biosynthesis gene cluster containing some genes encoding ergosterol biosynthesis enzymes in the analysed genomes. An additional possible terpene gene cluster was also identified in all of the Ceratocystidaceae. We also evaluated the sensitivity of the Ceratocystidaceae to a triazole fungicide that inhibits ergosterol synthesis. The results showed that different members of this family behave differently when exposed to different concentrations of triazole tebuconazole.

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