
This paper explores the suitability of the Chandy-Misra algorithm for digital logic simulation. We use four realistic circuits as benchmarks for our analysis, with one of them being the vector-unit controller for the Titan supercomputer from Ardent. Our results show that the average number of logic elements available for concurrent execution ranges from 10 to 111 for the four circuits, with an overall average of 68. Although this is twice as much paralelism as that obtained by traditional event-driven algorithms for these circuits, we feel it is still too low. One major factor limiting concurrency is the large number of global synchronization points -- in the Chandy-Misra terminology -- that occur during execution. Towards the goal of reducing the number of deadlocks, the paper presents a classification of the types of deadlocks that occur during digital logic simulation. Four different types are identified and described intuitively in terms of circuit structure. Using domain specific knowledge, the paper proposes methods for reducing these deadlock occurrences. For one of the benchmark circuits, the use of the proposed techniques eliminated all deadlocks and increased the average parallelism from 40 to 160. We believe that the use of such domain knowledge will make the Chandy-Misra algorithm significantly more effective than it would be in its generic form.

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