
Molecular beam epitaxially (MBE) grown layers of (001)CdTe and (001)HgCdTe were examined by RHEED, DCRC, XTEM, and EDS to assess the effect of growth parameters on crystal perfection. The CdTe layers were further investigated via low temperature photoluminescence (PL) and SIMS analysis to determine potential impurity incorporation from InSb substrates. In both sets of analysis substrate temperatures and substrate preparation were the parameters which most influenced film growth. Double crystal x-ray rocking curve (DCRC) data showed weak substrate dependence in lattice matched (001)CdTe. PL data showed a stronger influence of substrate temperature on radiative defect incorporation. The HgCdTe alloy also showed structural dependence on substrate temperature in XTEM micrographs of precipitate formation which were confirmed by in situ EDS. Lateral compositional uniformity of alloy layers was determined by step-and-repeat infrared transmission measurements across a 3 in. GaAs wafer. The data have indicated an average 300 K cutoff wavelength of 7.05±0.5 μm across a full diameter.

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