
Makrofol® DE 1-1 (bisphenol-A polycarbonate) was characterized as a solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) as well as for alpha particle detection. The bulk etch rate of the Makrofol® DE 1-1, at different etchant concentrations and temperatures, was found to be homogenous. The visible light absorbance measurements of the etched Makrofol® DE 1-1 at different etching conditions indicated that the lowest visible light absorbance occurs at the etching conditions of 75% 6 N KOH+25% C2H5OH and a temperature of 50∘C. The bulk etch rate activation energy EB increased from (0.59±0.05) eV to (0.76±0.05) eV for Makrofol® DE 1-1 etched in KOH and 25% 6 N KOH+75% C2H5OH, respectively. Before alpha particle tracks overlapping, the alpha track density in Makrofol® DE 1-1 is linearly correlated with the exposure time to alpha particles. The alpha particles track diameter was found to be a non-monotonic function of the alpha particle energy. The range of alpha particles in Makrofol® DE 1-1, which is a monotonic function of alpha particle energy, was determined using the over-etched track technique. The range-energy relationship of a perpendicularly incident alpha particle in a Makrofol® DE 1-1 detector can be used for the determination of the alpha particle energy over a wider energy range than with the etch pit diameter-energy relationship.

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