
Complex mixtures of chemicals present in groundwater at legacy-contaminated industrial sites can pose significant risks to adjacent surface waters. The combination of short-term molecular and chronic apical effect assessments is a promising approach to characterize the potential hazard of such complex mixtures. The objectives of this study were to: (1) assess the apical effects (survival, growth, development, and liver histopathology) after chronic exposure of early life stages (ELSs) of fathead minnows (FHM; Pimephales promelas) to contaminated groundwater from a legacy-contaminated pesticide manufacturing and packaging plant, and (2) identify possible molecular mechanisms responsible for these effects by comparing results to mechanistic outcomes previously determined by a short-term reduced transcriptome assay (EcoToxChips). This study revealed a significant increase in mortality and prevalence of spinal curvatures, as well as a significant reduction in the length of FHMs exposed to the groundwater mixtures in a concentration-dependent manner. There was an increasing trend in the prevalence of edema in FHMs, though not significantly different from controls. Additionally, no histopathological effects were observed in the liver of FHMs exposed to the groundwater mixtures. Short-term molecular outcomes determined in a parallel study were found to be informative of chronic apical outcomes, including cardiotoxicity, spinal deformities, and liver toxicity. Overall, the results observed in this study demonstrated that short-term transcriptomics analyses could support the hazard assessment of complex contaminated sites.

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