
Investigation of the transgenic Arabidopsis promoter trap line GFP-868 that showed GFP expression only in anthers revealed the T-DNA insertion at 461bp upstream to the hypothetical gene At4g10596 with the GFP reporter gene in head-to-head orientation to the At4g10596 gene. The expression of the At4g10596 gene in wild type and in GFP-868 plant homozygous for T-DNA insertion was comparable and found in all tissues tested, while the GFP expression was restricted to anthers of the GFP-868 plants suggesting that the 461bp fragment separating the two genes in the GFP-868 line is functioning as bi-directional promoter. This 461bp fragment was cloned upstream to the GUS gene in two orientations to test for bi-directional promoter activity. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants carrying either of these constructs showed GUS activity in anthers indicating that this fragment behaves as bi-directional promoter specific to anthers. These results were also supported by the presence of cis-acting motifs such as TATA box and POLLEN1LELAT52 (AGAAA) within the 461bp sequence in both orientations. However, transcripts corresponding to the upstream sequences beyond −461 nucleotides were not detected in the wild type suggesting that this 461bp fragment is a cryptic promoter. The significance of the promoter trap approach and the usefulness of this type of promoter are discussed.

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