
The aim of this study is to propose a protocol for incorporating procedures to evaluate, characterize and establish general parameters applicable to the management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). This protocol can be applied within the framework of common product design and development processes. The proposed protocol provides key information for design projects, with emphasis on the potential future recovery of parts, components and raw materials.To achieve this objective, this article first addresses the general problem and defines the objectives, focusing on Chile as a valid case study in Latin America. The method used was applied to ten small household appliances, yielding promising results. Additionally, a user-friendly and easily applicable method is proposed, suitable for training new designers and working with small companies and relevant stakeholders in recycling and recovery processes. In conclusion, this study contributes relevant results aimed at promoting projects of technological and economic interest, with a focus on the sustainable management of waste at the end of its lifespan.

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