
AbstractThe nature of the formation of sub-grain boundaries within sequential lateral solidification (SLS) processed thin silicon films has been examined using single crystal Si films as a pre- cursor material. Experimental details include the use of an excimer laser projection system and straight-slit beamlets to produce directionally solidified microstructures. Within the SLS processed silicon-on-insulator (SOI) films, three microstructurally distinct regions are identi-fied: (1) an initial planar defect-free area (the extent of which can depend on laser fluence and orientation); (2) a transitional area within which the sub-grain boundaries appear and propagate in a well-defined direction relative to the crystallographic orientation; and (3) a final area characterized by sub-grain boundaries aligning approximately to the scan direction, and the in-plane texture becoming more random. We discuss the results within the context of a plastic deformation model of sub-grain boundary formation.

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