
The surface passivation layer coating on zero-valent iron (ZVI) particles impedes the electron transfer from ZVI to nitrate. To enhance the efficiency of nitrate reduction by Fe(0), we tested the chemical process and the thickness of the iron oxide film on the surface of Fe(0) particles, utilizing Fe2+aq in aqueous solution and wheat straw as ligands. A novel principal surface catalyzing reaction was formulated as follows: NO3−+0.67Fe2++2.2Fe0+2.33H2O→NH4++1.18Fe3O4+0.64OH−. When Fe2+aq concentration increased from 0 - 200 mg·L−1, the NO3- removal rate increased from 6.95% to 82.6% respectively during 12 h and it was 48%, 72%, 79% and 94% respectively in Fe0/WS ratio of 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 system. Uniform surface iron oxide films formed around the Fe(0) particles within 12 h after the adding Fe2+aq or wheat straw to the Fe(0) system. The composition and thickness of these films were dependent on the quantity of added materials. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that surface oxide iron mainly consisted of Fe2+ or Fe3+ oxides, with Fe3O4 being predominant. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) etching indicated that the addition of Fe(0)/straw at mass ratios of 1 or system with 20 mg·L−1 Fe2+aq resulted in the thinnest surface iron oxide layer. The study demonstrated that reducing the oxide layer’s thickness was achieved through partial catalysis and enhanced complexation capacity. This reduction was facilitated by the introduction of Fe2+aq or wheat straw into the Fe(0) system, potentially improving proton dissociation and promoting the ligand-assisted dissolution of Fe3+ oxides.

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