
Objective: Study and compare the clinical and electrophysiological and neuroimaging findings in children with symptomatic epilepsy with schizencephaly. Methods: The study included 11 patients with schizencephaly. There are five boys (45.45%) and six girls (54.55%). Results: Compliance with focal changes in the EEG (electroencephalography) and localization revealed morphological changes in the group of children with schizencephaly is 80%. The clinical picture of epilepsy dominated by focal seizures in eight patients (72,72%), epileptic spasms – two patients (18,18%), focal with secondary generalization seizures – two (18,18%), atonic – one (9,09%). Simple focal seizures were observed in two boys (18.18%) and two girls (18.18%). Complex focal seizures recorded a boy (9.09%) and three girls (27.27%), focal seizures with secondary generalization – a boy (9.09%) and one girl (9.09%), epileptic spasms – a boy (9.09%) and one girl (9.09%). Seizures are not registered with one girl (9.09%). In the group of children with schizencephaly have four boys and four girls diagnosed with focal epilepsy (72.73%), one boy and one girl – focal epilepsy with secondary generalization (18.18%), one boy and one girl – multifocal (18 ,18%). Epileptic Encephalopathy – one girl (9.09%). Epilepsy is not diagnosed in one girl (9.09%). Eleven patients (100%) identified a variety of changes in neurological status. Severe motor impairment with the formation of palsy, a violation of the innervation of the bulbar group cranial nerves – in six patients (54.55%). Muscular hypotonia – two patients (18.18%). Eleven children of this group noted intellectual-mental disorders in varying degrees of severity (100%). In the treatment of epilepsy in nine patients (81.81%) with schizencephaly used valproate. Topiramate was used in two patients (18.18%) carboxamide derivatives, phenobarbital, hormones were used at least in one case (9,09%). Conclusion: Malformations of the brain are one of the frequent causes of epilepsy in children.

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