
The article examines the essence of administrative and legal regulation in the field of health care through the prism of the systematization of administrative legislation in the specified field. The legal regulation of public administration is defined as a purposeful activity of state authorities regulated by laws and other normative acts, which is aimed at consolidating, organizing and protecting social relations in the specified sphere, which is carried out with the aim of preserving and strengthening health, protecting the rights of patients and medical employees. Attention is focused on determining the role and importance of such types of systematization as incorporation, consolidation, codification, adaptation and their application in the field of health care.
 It was determined that the codification of administrative legislation in the field of health care is the most advanced form of systematization, which is directly related to the change in the form and content of the current legislation by its revision, elimination of conflicts, gaps, obsolescence and multiplicity of legal norms. Special attention is paid to adaptation, as a fundamental component of the European integration course of Ukraine, which consists in the phased adoption and implementation of laws and subordinate normative legal acts of Ukraine, developed considering the European Union legislation, as well as in making appropriate changes to the current legal acts of Ukraine.
 Analysis was conducted and the reasons that complicate the classification of legislation in the field of health care were determined, with the complexity of legal regulation being the main one. The classification of health care legislation according to the principle of hierarchy, subject and scope of legal regulation, as well as by the number of persons is proposed.
 The necessity of supplementing the current Code of Administrative Offences with the section “Offences in the Sphere of Health Care” is substantiated, which will establish responsibility for administrative offences in the sphere of health care, as well as strengthen administrative responsibility for their commission. The specified changes will ensure regulation of relations in the field of medical services, protection of the rights of doctors and patients, and as a result will improve the quality of medical assistance to the population.

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