The non-planar microstrip lines are becoming increasingly popular due to its wide range of applications which require circuits to conform to curved surfaces such as those of aircraft, missiles, probes, etc. The non-planar microstrip line studied here consists of a finite number of infinitesimally thin perfectly conducting strips, placed either between a dielectric substrate and an overly, or on top of two layers of dielectric substrate. The whole structure is then placed on the tip of a perfectly conducting wedge as shown in Fig. 1. The quasi-TEM characteristics of this geometry are rigorously derived, based on the technique presented in [1,2]. The first part of this analysis is to determine the capacitance matrix for the multiconductor line. Once the capacitance matrix is obtained, other parameters such as the phase velocities, the characteristics impedances, and the coupling between the conductors are readily obtained from the capacitance matrix [3]. The derivation starts with solving Laplace's equation for the potentials in the free space region and in each of the dielectric regions. The potentials are expressed in terms of Fourier series with unknown expansion coefficients for each regions. The expressions for the potentials are constructed such that the continuity of the tangential components of the electric field across the dielectric interfaces are automatically enforced. The remaining boundary conditions are applied by enforcing the potential to have constant voltages on the conducting strips and satisfying the jump discontinuity in the normal derivative of the potential across the dielectric interfaces. The equations obtained are then solved using Galerkin's method to find the expansion coefficients [2]. The expressions for the charge distributions on the strips and the capacitance matrix are then obtained. The transmission line considered for analysis consists of two cylindrical layers of dielectric material, the substrate and the overlay. The substrate is defined by permittivity e r2 and radius a 2 . The overlay is defined by permittivity e r1 and radius a 1 . The conducting strips are placed either on the interface between the substrate and the overlay or on top of the overlay as shown in Fig. 1. The arc width of the strips is given by (β i - α i ), where i = 1, 2,...,S and S is the total number of strips not counting the ground plane. The dielectric layers are placed on top a perfectly conducting wedge of angle γ
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