
The article deals with art as a theoretical concept, its characteristics. The philosophical nature of art, many scholars wrote about. Thus, analyzing the understanding of spirituality in the works of Kant, Hegel, on the one hand, and Russian philosophers, on the other hand, V. Didenko notes that for the first - the spiritual has categorically logical understanding of being, for the second - it's very being; not only reflects the spirit of the material reality, it transforms it, creates a new reality. The philosophy of postmodernism, which, with a steady intention to expand its discursive field, characterized by semantic and categorical diversity caused by a fundamental rejection of the paradigm of unity. This situation affects the development of modern art, which is a content-forming dimension, the role and value status of culture, creating in it an active space for the formation of the artistic picture of the world and the new human world that plays an important role in the self-expression of the person, as a spiritual value in the modern information society. The relevance of the article is caused by the growing interest in science to the changing values in today's information society, where art is part of the culture, as well as the manner and form of communication with the reality. It reflects the world around and formed into infinity meaningful relationships in the union, the collision and the emergence of new meanings, in associations, in ascents and relegation of illusions values in the birth of some ideas and debunking others. The findings confirm that in the article, and the reality and the truth, and the value indicates the relationship of philosophy and art as philosophical knowledge consists of three interrelated parts: ontology - the doctrine of objective and universal being; epistemology - the doctrine of the universal laws of cognition of this reality; axiology - teaching about the nature of values and general patterns of production and consumption.

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