
Dermatoglyphics is currently a subject of research by specialists in various fields of knowledge. The reason for this is that the study of the comb pattern of the hands and feet is widely used in various medical and non-medical fields, because the dermatoglyphic constitution is a genetically determined trait that remains unchanged throughout life, which closely correlates with other human characteristics, predisposition to certain types of diseases, etc. Also, papillary pattern prints can give us the opportunity to predict deviant processes of personality development.
 Aim of the work. To identify factor phenotypic features in individuals prone to crimes against human life and health.
 Materials and methods. In the course of this study, anthroposcopic parameters obtained from 50 persons, male and female, aged 18 to 59 years, who were convicted of crimes against human life and health (CGLH) were analysed: intentional murder (Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), negligent homicide (Article 119 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), intentional murder of a mother of her newborn child (Article 117), intentional grievous bodily harm (Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), intentional bodily harm of moderate gravity (Article 122 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), intentional light bodily harm (Article 125 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), intentional bodily harm of moderate severity (Article 122 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), intentional light bodily harm (Article 125 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), torture (Article 127 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), leaving in danger (Article 135 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and 50 persons of the control group (CG).
 Anthroposcopic (descriptive) parameters were obtained by means of a verbal description that does not contradict generally accepted standards (Ginzburg V.V., 2000; Kozan N.M., 2018). Statistical calculations were performed using the software package STATISTICA 12 for Windows (licence number ZZS9990000099100363DEMO-L).
 Results. It has been established that for the group of premeditated murderers, the following factors are factor: skin colour (p=0,000), hair colour (p=0,017), hair type (p=0,000), facial features (p=0,023), forehead slope (p=0,004) and the shape of the lower jaw (p=0,000) showed statistically significant differences, and for a number of indicators such as forehead height (p=0,072), forehead width (p=0,060) and cheekbone shape (p=0,056), differences were observed at the level of statistical trend.
 Conclusion. The presence of factor phenotypic signs indicating a predisposition to criminal acts of varying severity will allow the use of a computer neural network program to predict the propensity to commit offences.

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