Low on-state voltage and low turn-off loss are key issues for IGBT used in HVDC and FACTS. Partial narrow mesa was introduced to improve emitter side contact resistance of IGBT based on Nakagawa limit assumption. However, turn-off loss increases and short circuit sustainability get worse. Split gate separates gate electrode from drift region and reduces gate-collector capacitance to lower turn-off energy loss. Combination partial narrow mesa with split gate can get better gate performance and turn-off characteristics in 4.5kV IGBT. Simulated results with TCAD show proposed models improves switching loss and gate reliability. By adjusting split gap electric filed, split gate shape has an important effect on turn-on characteristics.
High voltage Insulated Gate Bipolar Transitor (IGBT) is emerging key power switching device in HighVoltage Direct Current (HVDC) and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
Most approaches increasing emitter side electron injection efficiency have been adopted to lower on-state voltage drop, such as Wide Gate IGBT proposed by Toshiba in 1993, Carrier Storage Trench IGBT (CSTBT) presented by Mitsubishi in 1996, Narrow Trench with dummy cell (T-IEGT) invented in 1998, Planar IGBT with high conductivity proposed by Hitachi (HiGT) [1], and Enhanced planar IGBT developed by ABB in 2006
It can be seen that the optimized split-gate (OPSG) has the smallest total gate charge during turn-on, being up to 13.4nC
High voltage Insulated Gate Bipolar Transitor (IGBT) is emerging key power switching device in HighVoltage Direct Current (HVDC) and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). Most approaches increasing emitter side electron injection efficiency have been adopted to lower on-state voltage drop, such as Wide Gate IGBT proposed by Toshiba in 1993, Carrier Storage Trench IGBT (CSTBT) presented by Mitsubishi in 1996, Narrow Trench with dummy cell (T-IEGT) invented in 1998, Planar IGBT with high conductivity proposed by Hitachi (HiGT) [1], and Enhanced planar IGBT developed by ABB in 2006. A split gate structure was proposed to reduce the gate-drain charge and optimize local electric field in low voltage power MOSFET [5,6], and were introduce in trench IGBT, CSTBT, and RC-IGBT, to improve the complex tradeoff between switch energy loss, on-state voltage drop, SOA and dv/dt noise[7,8,9,10,11]. The optimized split gate was proposed to further reduce capacitance between gate and collector by modulate the electric field surrounding PNM gate bottom
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