
Semarang has a topography ranges from 500-2,000 above sea level and is surrounded by mountains with a relatively cold climate in several locations. This background is to attract for investors to develop nature-based tourism objects, one of which is a flower garden. It was necessary to conduct a preliminary study of the characteristics and responses of tourists in tourist attractions in Central Java. The research was conducted in 2018 in 3 tourist locations in Central Java, namely Borobudur, Kyai Langgeng Park, and Umbul Sidomukti. The respondents in this study were 100 people. The results showed that majority tourist (56%) wished to tour in groups with a total of 3-16 people in one group and chose to design their trip without the assistance of a travel agency (81%). The ability of tourists to pay for ticket-passs is Rp 36,345 - Rp 99,851 for a trip and tickets for the unit are Rp 9,880 - Rp. 63,052. Tourists also can pay for food prices from the range of IDR 16,240-IDR 46,200 and IDR 7,520-IDR 18,100. The results are relevant as one of the references for investors and the government in managing tourism objects in Central Java.

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