
Information technology today, is very developed and easy to find. Especially in information on Bogor tourist attractions such as the Bogor Palace, Tugu Kujang, and Pakansari Stadium. However, the data information held is not completely valid. Because many tourists get data that is not suitable, due to the lack of information obtained. Therefore, the researchers tried to make an android-based "Tourism Object in Bogor" application using Augmented Reality (AR) technology and the Lucas Kanade Algorithm, as well as Marker Based Tracking efforts to make it easier to get the information desired by tourism. Bogor is one of the cities in West Java Province that attracts many tourists, especially domestic tourists. However, there are still many tourist attractions in Bogor that are still many tourist attractions that have not been visited and are still not widely known by tourists. Until now, researchers have tried to make an android-based "Tourism Object in Bogor" application so that tourists know the shape of objects and information such as the Bogor Palace, Tugu Kujang, and Pakansari Stadium. Using Augmented Reality (AR) technology, the technology itself has photos, sounds, and 3d objects that can bring virtual 3d objects into the real world. The "Tourism Object in Bogor" application uses Android Studio, Unity, Sketchup, Vuforia, and Visual Studio. In order to make it easier for tourists to identify data on tourist attractions they want to visit. The application "Tourism Objects in Bogor" serves to share data information for local and foreign tourists, because this is an opportunity for the Bogor Regional Government to improve services and facilities in Bogor, so that tourists feel safe arriving and visiting Bogor.


  • Abstract−Information technology today, is very developed and easy to find

  • get the information desired by tourism

  • so that tourists know the shape of objects and information

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Pariwisata merupakan aspek penting untuk ekonomi di Indonesia, industri pariwisata Indonesia menempati peringkat keempat dalam pendapatan anggaran 2015. Zona yang mempunyai kemampuan sangat besar buat kenaikan pemasukan negeri serta wilayah kala dikelola dengan baik merupakan zona pariwisata[1]. Turis menjadi salah satu industri terbanyak di dunia pada saat ini. Bagi World Travel and Tourism Council, zona pariwisata ialah salah satu zona yang hadapi perkembangan yang lumayan besar, ialah 4 persen per tahun serta turut menyumbang lebih kurang 11, 6 persen dari GDP dunia[2] Bogor ialah wilayah dengan banyak tempat wisata, sehingga turis lokal pada weekend. Riset tadinya pula melaksanakan riset dengan judul Augmented Reality Recognition Huruf serta Angka Arab Memakai Tata cara Marker Based Tracking Berbasis Android, yang bertujuan buat mengenalkan pendidikan lewat media novel yang mereka hasilkan hijaiyah huruf, angka Arab serta alfabet memakai augmented reality pada kanak- kanak[6]

Kebutuhan Sistem
10 GB 120 GB
Marker dan Hasil Objek 3D
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