
An adjacency matrix A(G) of directed graph G is an m×m matrix consisting of only entries 0 and 1, where m is the number of vertices of G. The entry aij is equal to 1 if there exists a directed edge from vertex vi to vertex vj, otherwise it is equal to 0. Let D(G) be a diagonal matrix of size m×m with each of its main diagonal entry being the degree of the corresponding vertex of directed graph G. Then the matrix L(G) = D(G) − A(G) is called the Laplacian matrix of G. Since a directed graph has two types of degrees namely indegree and outdegree, they result in directed graphs also having the both types of its Laplacian matrices. In this study, the adjacency matrix and the Laplacian matrix of cyclic directed prism graph are investigated. The general form of the coefficients of polynomial characteristic of the Adjacency matrix and Laplacian matrix, respectively is obtained by applying the row reduction method in linear algebra, whereas the general form of the eigenvalues of the polynomial characteristic of the Adjacency matrix and Laplacian matrix, respectively is obtained by factorization and substitution methods.

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