
�ABSTRACTCharacter building and literacy culture is urgent something and must be done by educational institutions, especially primary educations. In primary education , students are accustomed to good behavior, so that in the end they have good character. Indeed, character building is not easy and cannot be instantly, but with continuous habituation it will produce a character output. This research is qualitative in nature with a type of case study that has a single case study design. This research is qualitative research in education so to understand external reason of character building and literacy culture. The results of this study are the building character and literacy culture in educational institutions carried out in several stages. This research adds a new variant to Kaizen theory, which is intangible value. This research also adds a new variant to the theory of Ndraha, namely the synergy of all citizens of educational institutions and the active role of intangible values.�Keyword: Character Building, Literacy Culture, Primary Education


  • Character building and literacy culture is urgent something and must be done by educational institutions, especially primary educations

  • The practice of education in Indonesia, in the capacity of formal education, tends to be more oriented to education based on hard skills that is education that is more developed intelligence quotient (IQ), but less developedcapabilities soft skills as contained in emotional intelligence (EQ), and spiritual intelligence (SQ)

  • Learning must be based on the development of soft skills because this is very important in shaping the character of the nation's children so that they are able to compete, be ethical, moral, polite and interact with the community.education is Soft skill based on fostering mentality so that students can adjust to the realities of life

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Tulungagung include: honesty, sensitivity, responsibility, discipline, loyalty, loyalty, obedience, and tolerance. While the adiwiyata values that are planted at SMPN 1. Tulungagung include: caring for the environment, love of cleanliness, responsibility, independence and tolerance. Reality and multicultural values need to be instilled in educational institutions to develop a strong and powerful mental revolution in these educational institutions. Tulungagung about environmental conservation, maintaining cleanliness and mutual tolerance between the academic community at SMPN 1 Tulungagung will further develop and be well nurtured

Characters in the Big Indonesian
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