
This article is devoted to realization of a state policy of distribution of industrial goods on Don and the North Caucasus in days of the Great Patriotic War. The principles of use of a rationing system of distribution of essentials, her differentiated character, preferential categories of consumers providing allocation are considered. Concrete examples of application of coupons at acquisition of clothes, footwear and other goods are given. Conditions of execution of this order by local bodies of Don and the North Caucasus are analyzed; the attention to limitation of the allocated manufactured goods from the centralized funds is paid. Much attention is paid to the measures for research of additional sources of providing the population of Don and the North Caucasus taken from local bodies by essentials. The attention to especially difficult situation with providing the population of the region, owing to occupation consequences is paid. Data on restoration and development of the local industry, cooperative artels, increase in release of goods, necessary for the population, are provided. The role of the trade-union organizations in supply of the most needing workers with clothes, footwear and other manufactured goods reveals. The assessment is given to results of collaboration of local bodies and public organizations in providing the population with manufactured goods, the remaining difficult situation in questions of providing inhabitants of Don and the North Caucasus by essentials throughout the entire period of the Great Patriotic War is noted.

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