
Industrial food waste valorization includes reusing, recycling, or composting of processing wastes to use as recycled/functional products or sources of energy. However, 42%, 39%, 14%, and 5% of food waste is generated from households, food manufacturing industry, food sector (ready to eat food, catering, and restaurants), and distribution chain, respectively. Researchers are working for recovering food waste coming from food industry, which is 39%. However, 56% of food waste is lost in kitchens at home and restaurants. Potential culinary wastes in restaurants are used cooking oil, organic wastes, including fruits and vegetable peels and used coffee and tea leaves. Practically, only oil and coffee leaves are collected separately for biodiesel, bioactive compounds, and others are collected as a mass and used as compost. Is stored compost valuable? What can we do for reducing and recover our waste in the kitchen, itself?

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