
This chapter provides information to the digital techniques used for the encoding and decoding of National Television System Committee (NTSC) and Phase Alternation Line (PAL) color video signals. It also reviews various luma/chroma (Y/C) separation techniques and their trade-offs. NTSC encoders and decoders are usually based on the YCbCr, YUV, or YIQ color space. PAL encoders and decoders are usually based on the YCbCr or YUV color space. YCbCr input data has a nominal range of 16–235 for Y and 16–240 for Cb and Cr. Red, green, and blue (RGB) input data has a range of 0–255; pro-video applications may use a nominal range of 16–235. As YCbCr values outside these ranges result in overflowing the standard YIQ or YUV ranges for some color combinations, one of three things may be done, in order of preference—allow the video signal to be generated using the extended YIQ or YUV ranges, limit the color saturation to ensure a legal video signal is generated, or clip the YIQ or YUV levels to the valid ranges.

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