
Metastasis in biomaterials is a current catchword reflecting the recent efforts of using biomaterials in modeling the multistep process of metastasis. Given that the most cancer-associated causalities are due to metastasis, several model systems are developed to represent the diverse stages of the process, improving our understanding of the disease and enhances the accuracy of the treatment. These in vitro models are served as multifunctional platforms providing low-cost screening of potential therapeutics, develop patient-specific remedies, estimating the metastatic potential and clinical management of the disease. In contrast to investigate simply the proliferation, cytotoxicity, and invasion, these in vitro models represent the metastatic cascade including intravasation, extravasation, tumor vasculature, niche remodeling, and tumor dormancy. In this chapter, the migration of tumor cells, the hallmark of metastasis is discussed in the light of the unique characteristics of the tumor microenvironment, which is recapitulated using diverse biomaterials.

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