
Senior management (vice presidential level and above in large organizations) is an excellent source of insight that can give perspective to young engineers' careers. This chapter presents some senior executives' comments on the general topic of the way to achieve results that add value to a company. The advice on the way to approach the job includes use of the time to learn, preparedness, and staying organized. Just being on a project will result in learning experiences for project engineers; therefore, it is advised to use the time to learn and try new things, meet new people, and go outside of the comfort zone. While on the project, it is beneficial to find a mentor who can answer questions and provide guidance when needed. The contracting strategy employed on a project will dictate the level of involvement with the contract. Being organized can be a great asset in project engineering, especially if it is done right from the start. Meetings can be a great way to get things accomplished, but they can also waste time; therefore, it is important to come prepared to the meeting, have an agenda, and stick to the limits. Project engineers must have the fortitude to take responsibility for the part that did not go well and be prepared with suggestions on the path forward.

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