
This chapter primarily introduces the Betel Quid Dependence Scale (BQDS), which is a newly developed instrument and has been demonstrated as a reliable and valid measurement for betel quid (BQ) dependence in Taiwan and Guam. In this chapter, we will first introduce BQ chewing habits in Taiwan and Guam, the reasons why we need a scale to assess dependent syndrome specific to BQ. Afterward, we will introduce the purpose of developing the scale, the constitution of scale items, and the reliability and validation of the scale. Adjusting to the publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition in 2013, we have retested the criterion-referenced validity based on the samples collected from Taiwan and Guam. Also, we tested the known-groups validity by comparing the BQDS scores between chewers who never chewed BQ with tobacco additives and chewers who preferred tobacco additives. The BQDS has good reliability and validity in different languages, cultures, and social contexts and applications in future research are extensive.

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