
Molecular farming provides an unprecedented approach for the production of metabolites or proteins of medicinal value from plants used previously only in agricultural setting. These plants act as protein factories that can synthesize a variety of proteins free from pathogens such as plasma proteins, growth factors, and vaccines. This method provides a novel, tempting, inexpensive, easy, and safe alternative to other techniques of protein or antigen production. With the advent of transgenic plants, it is possible to produce unlimited amounts of subunit vaccines (for oral use/edible and of parenteral use), protein used for pharmaceutical/medicinal purpose, recombinant proteins, antibodies, and industrial enzymes. Plants have numerous advantages over the production systems on account of scalability, safety, and are economic; for example, less cost of production is involved for Hepatitis B nucleocapsid antigen using transgenic tobacco. Biopharming or molecular farming provides an important resource for cheaper drug production used in the treatment of cancer, heart diseases, and infectious diseases. The pharmaceutical products are manufactured by genetically engineered plants that are extracted and purified, also known as pharmaceuticals produced by plants. Edible vaccines are cheaper in cost, easy to administer mostly by oral route, fail-safe, and are acceptable by society especially in developing countries. These vaccines are targeted to provide systemic as well as mucosal types of immunity. It has been predicted that in future children may get their immunization by munching on foods instead of getting enduring shots. The production of edible vaccines consists of the process of introducing the selected genes of desired quality into plant to induce these altered or transgenic plants to produce the encoded proteins in a natural way. These vaccines provide safer alternatives and help in reduction of cost of production and shipping and also decrease the potential hazards associated with conventional vaccines. However, becoming a reality and readily availability of edible vaccine is challenged by many problems of technical, regulatory, and nonscientific issues, which should be ruled out and rectified. This chapter provides insight into the current scenario and future applications of this new preventive modality.

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