
The ROS and RNS have dual roles in plants. They are generated in many organelles in plants such as chloroplast, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. They have paramount significance in plants due to their involvement in physiological processes such as cell signalling as well as growth and development. However, under stress conditions prompted by exposure of heavy metals, salinity, drought, etc., they are overproduced leading to deleterious effects in plants. The excessive exposure of essential (Fe, Cu, Al) as well as toxic metals/metalloids (As, B, Sb) facilitate the production of ROS and RNS. The metals also lead to alleviation of the concentration of antioxidants in addition to inducing oxidative or nitrosative stress. Besides there is also a chemical crosstalk among ROS and RNS leading to nitrooxidative stress. This chapter presents a brief overview about the involvement of metals and metalloids in the formation of ROS and RNS.

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