
This chapter focuses on caloric restriction (CR) mimetics. Serious efforts have been made to develop interventions that mimic CR's effects on aging. Ideally, such mimicry would reproduce all the actions of CR. In practice, interventions that produce one or more of CR's effects on physiological processes, pathological processes, or longevity are referred to as “CR mimetics.” Studies on CR mimetics have two goals. One, such studies may yield information on mechanisms responsible for the anti-aging actions of CR. Two, the information derived from such studies may lead to the development of interventions that could modulate the aging processes in humans. The ability to increase, decrease, or eliminate the functioning of a specific mouse gene provides a powerful tool for the experimental generation of CR mimetic models. Such models have the potential of being invaluable for research on the basic mechanisms by which CR retards aging processes and extends longevity. Many chemical agents have been found to have some effects that are similar to those of CR. However, much more needs to be done to establish any as a CR mimetic within the context of gerontology.

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