
Ihtibas al-Tamth (Amenorrhoea) is defined in the Unani system of medicine as the absence of monthly bleeding for more than 2 months or a decrease in the quantity of menstrual blood. The lack or total cessation of menstrual blood is referred to as amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea is woman has never menstruated and secondary is woman attained menarche, but no periods for three consecutive months. Secondary amenorrhoea is more common than primary amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is the term used for absence or complete cessation of menstrual blood. Approximately 3%–4% of women suffer from amenorrhea. In the United States, about 5%–7% of menstrual women suffer with secondary amenorrhea for 3 months each year. Amenorrhea is a condition in which the hypothalamic–pituitary-gonadal axis fails to cause cyclic changes in the endometrium that ordinarily result in menses. It can also be caused by the absence of end organs or obstruction of the outflow path. The causes of Ihtibas al-Tamth are related to Quwwat Dafia al-Badan, Madda and Johar Khun-i-Hayd, or Ala Makhraj -i-Hayd. Su-i-Mizaj Barid, Yabis, Harr or Harr wa Yabis, Su’ Mizaj Maddi or Sada can lead to Du’f al-Quwwat-i-Dafia. Abnormality in quality and quantity of Madda in Su-i-Mizaj Maddi can also lead to ihtibas al-tamth. Symptoms usually associated with amenorrhoea are headache, nausea, back ache and lower abdominal pain, tiredness, and some respiratory problems. Main principle of treatment includes Tawleed-i-Dam, Tanqiya-i-Akhlat Ghaleeza, Talteef-i-Khilt, Tafteeh-i-UruqRahim and Tahzeel if obesity is the cause. Surgical intervention if hymen is imperforated. Some regimenal therapies are also beneficial in amenorrhoea, such as Fasd-i-Safin, Hammam-i-Murattib and Hijama on calf area. In case of obesity, dietary control is mainly required. Some Unani drugs, which are beneficial in amenorrhoea, are Habb Mudir, Safoof Baboona, Kushta Faulad, and Safoof Muhazzil. Hence, it is need of the hour to educate the patients to maintain healthy lifestyle to prevent the causes that leads to amenorrhoea. Further, research in this field is mandate to validate the claims of Unani scholars.

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