
Abstract While warlords created the tragedy and all the common people boiled with rage, the so-called Northern Government (i.e. the one breaking the law) that flaunts the Provisional Constitution has to date let the warlords dominate. Not only has it not put forward any just ideas, but also it has taken advantage of the chance to make up to the warlords to preserve their high positions and handsome salaries. As a result, it has taken various measures to oppress the workers, students and residents who sympathise with the workers. It treated harshly the Peking-Hankou Railway workers and issued over twenty articles of oppressive regulations stating things such as whenever workers hold a general strike without obeying the army's orders, they will be punished for the crime of rebellion and may be arrested and shot at any time. As a result, the railway authorities ran even wilder, making trouble and seeking revenge for the smallest grievance. Even the murder of people in broad daylight was not remarked on by anybody. In addition, the government authorities ordered communication offices to stop transmitting news about the workers. When a certain Peking newspaper published this news, it was nearly closed down. The government was afraid that Peking workers would respond to the strike and support it. Consequently, it ordered the troops and police (Xue Zhihang etc.) to launch a crackdown. The measures are: (1) The people enjoy the freedom of assembly and association, but when organisations hinder the government and public security, they should be disbanded.

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