
“Risk analysis” is a term that is applied to a number of analytical techniques used to evaluate the level of hazardous occurrences. Technically, risk analysis is a tool by which the probability and consequences of accidental events are evaluated for hazard implications. Before safety measures are applied to a facility, it is prudent to identify and evaluate the possible hazards that may evolve before spending considerable amounts on protection that may not be needed or overlooking requirements for protection measures that are needed. The first step in fire protection engineering should, therefore, be to always identify the major risks at a facility. Sometimes it is easiest to prepare a general flowchart that identifies events that may occur at a facility during an incident. This flowchart can identify possible avenues the event may lead to and the protection measures available to mitigate and protect the facility. It also highlights deficiencies. The use of a flowchart helps personnel unfamiliar with petroleum risk and safety measures to understand the events that may occur during an accidental incident. It portrays step-by-step scenarios that are easy to follow or explain. Preparation of in-depth risk probability analysis can also use the flowchart as the basis of the event trees or failure modes and effects.

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