
This chapter focuses on various aspects of beta decay, including the emission of beta particles and the electron capture (EC) decay process. The various types of beta decay discussed include negatron emission, negatron decay energy (Qβ−) and calculations of decay energy, inverse beta decay, neutrino emission in beta decay and neutrino mass, positron emission, calculation of positron decay energy (Qβ+), and the relationship between nuclear neutron/proton ratios and type of beta decay. The EC decay process and the competition between EC and position emission as decay modes are described. Other modes of beta decay discussed include branching negatron, positron and EC decay, double-beta decay, and neutrinoless double-beta decay. The mechanisms of beta particle interactions in matter are described. The range of beta particles in matter is described relative to that of alpha particles of the same energy. The concepts of stopping power and linear energy transfer (LET) and the calculated values of LET for different radiation types are also discussed.

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