
This chapter highlights the fundamental parameter of isoelectric focusing (IEF). The conventional IEF is performed in an anticonvective medium, such as the slab gel. The advantages and disadvantages of gels, apply equally to IEF. In contrast to the usual gel format, the pore size of an IEF gel should be sufficiently large for reducing the impact of molecular sieving, which otherwise would lengthen the run time. The chapter also defines that detection in the slab gel is time consuming and semi-quantitative. The carrier ampholytes must be washed out of the gel to avoid reaction with the staining reagent. Small peptides are not detectable, because they are lost during the wash step. Gels are unnecessary in capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF), because the ampholyte separation media is effectively supported and contained by the capillary walls. CIEF is performed in free solution.

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